It’s a speech draft I made in MAD taostmaster club as the test speech of 2016 autumn speech contest

opening: the spell: Stupefy 昏昏倒地tupefy 斯丢普覅

Dear toastmasters muggles: welcome to the world of Magic. what I have just done is a spell to make cady lose her consciousness. don’t be worry, I will do anther spell to bring her back into conscious.

Enervate 快快复苏

As you can see, we can do lots of spells with this magic wand.that is what makes us different from you. talking about the magic spell and my magic stick/magic wand this quite delicate magic wand is made of oak, and the core is a feather from a phoenix. In our world, every witch and wizard have it’s own magic wand.

OK, dear toastmasters and distinguished guests, how many of you have watched the movies Harry potter? how many of you have read the books? I read the series of books at my high school, I think this is a great book, great book will leave something in your mind: like the great book “ the lord of rings”: it shows me the complicated characters in a person, and they fight with each other from time to time. and we need to be honest and brave to face the voice from our mind and heart This books Harry potter also leaves lots of things in my mind. it stimulates my imagination and helpe me open a different sight for this world.

How it stimulates my imagination? As we always heard the saying that, the Science is like magic changed our life. in this way, we can even take the book as an sicence fiction. without the limitation of common sense of physical raw, we can explore our imagination futher. one prove is the papers in this magic world, that, they can print short vedios on the newspapper or some candy papers, even with voce, but not just a 2 demension pictures. which I also see it in some recently made science fiction film.

let’s have a look at the transportation. In the book, they also have the trains/ cars like us, though they do not use gas . they also have lots of other ways:one way is of course using our bloom, which lots of you seems already know. besides, they can also move from one place to another in one moments with the spell Mobiliarbus, But this spell is kind of senior, it need great skills to master this and there were some tunnels we created to help us move from one place to another by speading some powers on body. this remindes me that, maybe in the future, we can also have those kind of transportations by sliding bodys into atoms and send to the destination in a really short time, and reform the body at the destination in a blink of time.

Not only about the imagination, but also a different sight for this world it gives me. in the book, it seems that we are living in the same but not exactly same world. the world of magic know almost everything about the muggles’ world, but few of the muggles know about the magic world. this remind me the idea that there could be a totally different world just by your side , great things were happening every moments there, but you might never know it’s existance. so, do not only just believe in what we have seen with our eyes, there might be much more things beyond our sight.

this book is written for children anyway, So, at last I want to talk about some interesting creatures in the novel, which can recall some deep emotions of childhood from my mind: creatures: pets, doppy, boggart With this book Harry potter, I lernt that there could be a totally different world just by your side , great things were happening every moments there, but you might never know it’s existance. so, do not just believe in what we have seen with our eyes, there might be much more things beyond our sight.

sometimes , when sitting in a cafe, I would see the lady JK Rowling sitting there writing Harry Potter. I smiled to her and said Dear JK Rowling, thank you for stimulating my imagination and helping me open a different sight for this world.